Techchrunch did some app sales analysis:
In this scenario, the average sales were 11,625 total units, averaging 44 copies/day. Approximately 23% of apps sold less than 1000 units from launch (ranging from 12 to 370 days in the App Store). Further, 56% of apps sold less than or equal to 10,000 units, while 90% sold less than 100,000 units, with the remaining 10% achieving sales of 127,000 – 3,000,000 units.
Interesting. Relatively low numbers on the one hand, but really encouraging on the other.
Sony announced on April 23rd that they will be discontinuing sales of the classic 3.5 inch floppy disk in Japan in 2011. The news marks a major end to a nearly three decade history of the disk type that the company helped to pioneer.
According to Sony, they introduced the 3.5 inch floppy disk size to the world in 1981, and began sales within Japan in 1983. Sony had shipped approximately 47 million disks within the country at its peak around the year 2000, but that number had fallen to around 8.5 million by 2009, Sankei News reported.
BTW: Apple verbaut schon seit 1998 keine Diskettenlaufwerke mehr…
Die Jungs scheinen ihre Sache gut und mit der gebotenen Professionalität auszuführen. Werde sie für den 28. engagieren.
iConji is a new, fun way to communicate with friends just across town … and around the world!
iConji enables two people of the same or completely different languages to communicate directly—without translation—using an iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, Facebook, and Web browser.
iConji uses pictographs with translated definitions built-in to form messages. The iConji Messenger v1.0 has support for Chinese, English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish.
Link: iConji. Connecting the world.
Was für ein Scheiss. Mittlerweile übersetzen Telefone automatisch von einer in die andere Sprache während man spricht – da wollen die, dass wir zig blöde Symbole lernen…
Apropos Symbole… hier mein Lieblingspiktogramm:

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