OCLint is a static code analyzer for C, C++ and Objective-C. You’ll find it here on GitHub.
Today the maintainer merged my pull request in which I made an additional reporter module which writes a PMD-style file.
Having that, you can let the PMD Analysis run by Jenkins reports about your coding sins.
Here’s how to set the whole thing up:
1. Setup OCLint
- Get the latest source code from GitHub
- Follow the instructions to build OCLint
- Install it.
2. Build file for Jenkins
The invocation of OCLint is configured in a build.xml. I’ll walk you through this one.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="fooProject" default="build-fooProject">
<property environment="env"/>
<target name="build-fooProject" depends="prepare,oclint" />
<target name="clean" description="Cleanup build artifacts">
<delete dir="${basedir}/build/oclint" />
<target name="prepare" depends="clean" description="Prepare for build">
<mkdir dir="${basedir}/build/oclint" />
Standard stuff so far. Setup the project and prepare the directories.
<target name="oclint">
<antcall target="xcodebuild-clean" />
<antcall target="xcodebuild" />
<antcall target="oclint-xcodebuild" />
<antcall target="oclint-parse" />
Our oclint
invocation has four steps.
<target name="xcodebuild-clean">
<exec executable="xcodebuild">
<arg value="-configuration" />
<arg value="Release" />
<arg value="clean" />
</target> This ensures, that we have a clean build.
<target name="xcodebuild">
<exec executable="xcodebuild" output="xcodebuild.log">
<arg value="-configuration" />
<arg value="Release" />
<arg value="-arch" />
<arg value="armv7" />
<arg value="CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=" />
</target> Now we build our project. The important part is `output="xcodebuild.log"`; this will write the output to a file which will be fed to a helper script in the next step.
<target name="oclint-xcodebuild">
<exec executable="PATH_TO_oclint-release/bin/oclint-xcodebuild" />
reads the xcodebuild.log
and produces the file compile_commands.json
. This file holds all the compiler stuff and is the input format for oclint
<target name="oclint-parse">
<exec executable="PATH_TO_oclint-release/bin/oclint-json-compilation-database">
<env key="PATH" value="${env.PATH}:PATH_TO_oclint-release/bin/"/>
<arg value="--" />
<arg value="-o=${basedir}/build/oclint/lint.xml" />
<arg value="-report-type=pmd" />
<arg value="-stats" />
</project> Finally, this is where the magic happens. `oclint-json-compilation-database` feeds the `compile_commands.json` file to `oclint`. The `-report-type=pmd` flag tells it to use the PMDReporter, which will write its findings to a file called `lint.xml`.
Be sure to consult the documentation for OCLint and its helpers for the various arguments you can provide.
I created a gist with the whole file here.
3. Configure the job in Jenkins
- Go to the configuration page of your job in Jenkins.
- Add a build-step with the build.xml
- Add a post-build action “Publish PMD analysis results” and enter the path to the xml file we produced. In this example it would be
4. Build the job
If everything worked, you should have a new section “PMD Warnings” in your build information and after a few builds the trend chart will be produced.